WordPress E-commerce store To Get Started With Website

September 07, 2020
WordPress E-commerce store To Get Started With Website

One way to go more improved and superior: WordPress is not just for blogging anymore this fully featured and specified content management system has the capability to haft and handle e-commerce. So now we can make a WordPress e-commerce store, analyzing the ins and outs of WordPress. In these, we will cover the best practices and the safety aspects to build the WordPress e-commerce store with the WordPress platform so that you can get started.

What Do I Need To Start For My WordPress E-commerce Store?

It's the main concern that what is needed to start there are several of the questions that come to the mind we need to be clear with the views while creating a WordPress E-commerce Website. Firstly we need to find the niche, have access to the products, need a clear view of the target audiences and the financial budgets.

Check Out The Back End/ Behind Scenes

The thing which must be considered is the Backend Development. How it will work there and how the development is up to. Here are some of the following things we need to make prior :

  • How will you need to process the payments from the customer to your accounts?
  • Which payment gateway to be used?
  • What fees will you need to pay for the monthly transactions?
  • How to manage the tracked inventory? How to manage the stock? What if the product is out of stock? How do you know when to reorder.
  • How to handle the Shipping Method? What about the carting options?
  • Do you have any backup plans?

Only then do we need to assume that all aspects and the assets are ready to work and get tested and started.

Best Practice For E-commerce

It's a great way to move forward with the WordPress platforms to generate more sales traffic and lead conversion for the websites. So below given are some of the best practices to make the WordPress E-commerce store a success.

1. Appealing/Good Photos

The product Images or banner images should be of High-quality pixels, zoomable to the maximum resolution, attractive, appealing, and sensible images which should make context with the products business and must match the requirement of the target audience. This will help in good feedback and it will minimize the returns and the complaints.

2. Product Videos

For more traffic or for more conversions take a step forward and offer the videos of the product you sell on your portal with mobile tablet desktop responsive in a perfect and presenting manner without any error. This will give the customer a bigger, better, and future use of the product so that they convert it to close the deal by buying or recommending it.

3. Product Description

It's not to be so long, it is the product description, not the blog post. Just need to inform precise details about the product. Don't rush the basic words, use synonyms or meaningful words for the good product description which should define the quality of the work, features, and specifications.

4. Transparent policies

Instill a privacy policy that would be clear and specific regarding the returns and it should be readily available. It should be easy to read so that the people believe you and develop trust and have faith in you. Eventually, they will proceed and look forward to doing business with you.

5. Simple Registration Form/Contact Form

The registration form should be there which should be simple and easy to fill and who so ever fills it should get the compensation for the registration done. The incentive would be offered to the customer who fills the form for the registration.

6. Answer Questions Quickly

You need to answer quickly as soon as any help and support is needed to the client by resolving the issue. You should be able to provide continuous engagement and precise information regarding the issue, technical problems with the installation guide, and tutorials manually and automatically.

7. Statistics

Need to have good stats so that you should know what the client is up to and are you fulfilling the customers by the products served by the services served to them. We also need to know that from where it is coming from. What’s hot and what's not. Google Analytics can help you with this in a perfect manner.

Getting Started Quickly For Your WordPress E-commerce Store

The thought of getting a shop started quickly is nice but yes it also has a lot to do. We can just start the small online shop by installing WordPress and by integrating the E-commerce plugin in a matter of time. So it's possible here and you can do it.

1. Domain And Hosting

The first thing will you need is the domain and the hosting set up and ready to go. A new domain could take up to 24 hours to start working.

2. Download & Install

Next, you’ll want to download and install WordPress and your e-commerce plugin of choice. You also might want to install an e-commerce-friendly theme that’s designed to work with your plugin (we offer several Builder and Responsive WordPress Themes designed for e-commerce, including Threads, Thrifty, Market, and Depot).

3. WordPress Setup

You’ll want to add the basics under Settings (especially under General, Discussion, and Permalinks) as well as add some pages and then set up your menu under Appearance. You may also want to add any plugins you’ll need, like BackupBuddy, All-in-One SEO, or others. Our free Getting Started with WordPress ebook can walk you through everything.

4. Plugin Setup

Now it’s time to set up shop. E-commerce is complicated, so there’s a lot to do. It will all vary depending on your plugin, so we can only hit the highlights:

• How you process payments is a major setup point to tackle. Since this is a quick launch you’ll be using an off-site payment system, such as PayPal or Google Checkout, or maybe a quick on-site system like PayPal Pro. You’ll need to set up those accounts if you don’t have them already.

• Next is shipping. You’ll want to set up your rates and install any add-ons you need.

• Tax time. Add any specific tax rates you need. You might want to consult your accountant or tax advisor to make sure you do it right.

5. Content

Now you’re ready to populate your site with content. Add products, images, descriptions, prices, etc. Add some pages to your site—an About page, contact page, maybe an FAQ or policy section that explains how you handle returns, defects, etc. If you’re going to have a blog, write an initial post. Add content to your widgets to highlight products or links to your social channels. Take a look at our suggested best practices in the previous section to see what you can implement quickly. You will require a WordPress theme to start your online WordPress e-commerce store, you can go for a single theme or WordPress Theme Bundle